Google Maps Catches Children Making Out Behind Bushes

Two sexy underage teens were in the midst of their "very first kiss as a couple" when a Google Maps van snapped their picture. Now Eddie Bateman and Hayley Moss are recorded for posterity getting it on behind a bush.
Haley, who is 17, told her mother she was "studying" at 16-year-old Eddie's house, but the crazy kids went out in the yard and made out instead. When their local newspaper in Wolverhampton, England wrote a story about the Google Map makeout, the teenage lovebirds were forced to admit what they'd done. Hayley's mother thought it was funny. Here's Eddie summarizing his father's response:
My dad saw it first in the paper and was, like, "That is my son."
"Googler Maps" (as they apparently call it in England) is officially a child pornographer. [Daily Mail]