Mark Zuckerberg recently bought an iPhone. But the mobile phone is not very mobile, and not much of a phone, the Facebook CEO says.

In a post to his Facebook wall, Zuckerberg explained that, within one week of acquiring the device, he's already had to buy landline phone service in order to make calls, and a whole mess of chargers in order to move the Apple device from place to place. Click to enlarge:

Of course, if Zuck is willing to go to all this trouble to keep his iPhone, as opposed to just taking it back, he must like some things about the device, like the groundbreaking form factor and operating system. And while iPhone carrier AT&T's problems with phone calls are well known, Zuckerberg's battery issues are not necessarily typical. In fact, we know the 26-year-old social network chief is a power user; he's already been scolded by a flight attendant for overusing his new iPhone on a flight.

Apple: Get this Valley VIP a longer-lasting iPhone 4 (gratis and early) to replace his 3GS before he switches allegiance to your dreaded rival Google.

Update: Kim-Mai Cutler at VentureBeat reports this was an iPhone 4, even though in his second message shown above Zuckerberg says the next-generation device is still in his future.