Tiny Godless Organisms Practice Abominable 'Cloning'

Gender bias! Alien data! Virus art! Hard relaxing! Radical statins! Space water! And godless rotifers reproducing outside of the bounds of holy matrimony! It's your fact-based Science Watch, where we watch science—whether Jesus likes it or not!
- Let's see, the government wants to fight gender bias, but John Tierney is like, how much do we really know about gender bias, scientifically? His manly bearing makes me sense he is correct.
- Controversial question among nerds: Who owns the data from the Kepler spacecraft, which has figured out where all the aliens live in the galaxy? The answer is the turtles, obviously. It's turtles all the way down.
- An artist has made glass representations of various viruses. That doesn't make him a scientist though, now does it? So why do we care? Ask the experts that.
- You know what is a difficult thing for hardworking people to do, according to science? Relax. That's the thing that is hard: relaxing. I bet you are saying to yourself, "Hey buddy, I'll relax for you, let's trade places!" Yea, that's what everyone is saying. Why can't you be original, once in a while?
- Are you ready to hear "A Radical View on Giving Statins?" No; no, you're not ready.
- The moon has way more water than previously thought. Also, one-third of Mars was covered by a huge ocean billions of years ago. Need water? Go to outer space and get some.
- Tiny aquatic animals: they're cloning themselves. Noooooooooooooooo!