You Have Lots More Greta Van Susteren To Look Forward To

In your womp-filled Wednesday media column: Greta Van Susteren will never leave your TV screen, an ad blogger gets an ad job, Benoit Denizet-Lewis is a Good Man, and the FT is the paper of the future.
- Hey, impartial journalist Greta Van Susteren has signed a contract to stay at Fox News for "several more years."Or until Sarah Palin's political viability runs out, at which point Greta will become disposable.
- Matt Van Hoven, the former blogger at Agency Spy, got a job at an ad agency. Meanwhile, we're still waiting for a job offer from American Apparel. Some guys have all the luck.
- Benoit Denizet-Lewis' new project is an online magazine called the Good Men Project, that he says will combine "the best parts of magazines like GQ and Esquire." If you guessed that that means "Penis Ennui," you're on the right track.
- The FT says that this year, "direct payments for its journalism will exceed print advertising revenue." On top of that, "its digital work will create one-third of its revenue by 2012." Is the FT the paper of the future, or are most other newspapers just stuck hopelessly in the printed past? Yes.
[Pic: Getty]