The reports of BP CEO Tony Hayward being removed as oil spill czar are all wrong, says a company spokeswoman. Hayward is simply spending "some rare private time" watching his sailboat, Bob, race around the Isle of Wight today.

Yesterday chairman of the board at BP Carl-Henric Svanberg told Britain's Sky News that Robert Dudley would be taking over the Gulf of Mexico operations from Hayward. Then today, as Hayward roots for Bob in the gorgeous waters around the Isle of Wight, BP spokeswoman Sheila Williams told the New York Times that Hayward was indeed still running the show down in the Gulf, and that "Tony will remain in full control until we have stopped the leak." So, Christmas, maybe?

Look, we Americans need some clarification so we know where to aim our xenophibic, anti-British rage, okay?

[Image of Hayward aboard Bob today, via AP]