New Jersey's Image Problem: The Natives Fight Back

It's easy to make fun of New Jersey, the state affectionately known as the "Armpit of America." You can't make left turns, the whole place smells like a diaper, and that show? Yeah. But some proud residents are fighting back.
A new website set up by local businesses and residents aims to give voice to the thousands of downtrodden New Jersyans who are sick and tired of the bad press their home state gets. On the website Jersey Doesn't Stink, you can download a "Digital Fight Kit" full of online badges, iron-ons and flyers, and debate which TV show is worse: Jersey Shore or Jerseylicious? Because, you know, all of that stuff is total bullshit! The real Jersey Shore is a nice place where you would never step on a hypodermic needle, or be accosted by spray-tanned jocks in head-to-toe Ed Hardy gear. Never! But New Jersey does have some great shopping malls, so there's that. And Clerks! I like that movie.
Watch the Jersey Doesn't Stink promo video here: