Former Bush advisers Karl Rove and Ed Gillespie pledged to raise $52 million for Republican candidates when they started their new fundraising group, American Crossroads, a few months ago. Big shots! Big money. But yeah... they raised $200 last month.

We did not forget a modifier there like $200 "million" or $200 "billion," which is usually what these figures look like in political posts. They raised two-hundred American dollars, total, in fundraising last month; good enough for a few cocktails, some gas money and three or four elderly biker-chick porno mags.

A new 527 group conceived by veteran GOP hands Karl Rove and Ed Gillespie and launched this year with predictions that it would raise $52 million to support Republican candidates has thus far failed to live up to the fundraising hype.

The group, American Crossroads, raised only $200 last month, according to a report it filed Monday with the Internal Revenue Service, bringing its total raised since launching in March to a little more than $1.25 million. It spent $76,000 in May, primarily on legal fees and salaries, bringing its total spending to $140,000.

They claim that they have received pledges from Big Donors in the neighborhood of $30 million. Peculiar. Do pledges count as "money to spend on elections right now," though? English majors? This is such a Ponzi scheme it's insane.

[Image via AP]