Anna Wintour's PR Man Seeks Absolution

In your sultry Wednesday media column: Anna Wintour's PR man retires, Lee Siegel bitches and bitches, and the oil spill is the only thing on TV, but nobody will watch if Larry King's the one talking about it.
- Patrick O'Connell, the PR man representing Anna Wintour, is leaving the PR business entirely! Keith Kelly reports that O'Connell "wants to go into charity and philanthropic work after 12 years as Wintour's mouthpiece." I BET. Amirite?
- Family Guy-despising NYT question-asker Deborah Solomon comes off as the reasonable one in this recounting of this panel discussion on journalists and the mean public that hates them. Former online sock puppeteer Lee Siegel (now at the NYO) comes off as a super bitch. Still! Read Jeff Bercovici's piece, for entertainment. Then leave mean comments!
- If you want to see something striking, check out this graph of the amount of coverage the oil spill has received lately vs. other issues. The oil spill is like HERE, and everything else is wayyyyyyyyy down here. Yea, wait a few more weeks though, America! Remember Haiti? Yea!
- You know how many people watched Larry King's fucking oil spill telethon? Fucking nobody, practically. But you did raise $1.8 million anyhow, Larry King, so you can retire right now and feel good about it. Right now.