Party Down's second season has come to a close. Due to many of the show's actors jumping ship for better shows and unfinished story-lines, we're left wondering about the fates of our favorite team of TV caterers.

Which members of Party Down's catering crew will be back slingin' 'derves next season? We weighed each characters storyline and the actors other projects to try and figure out what we can expect in season three. If there is a season three. Oh, please let there be a season three!

Adam Scott as Henry

Odds of sticking around for Season 3: 40-1
Let's be real here, people—Adam Scott was cast on Parks and Recreation alongside Rob Lowe—and the pair have already filmed a slew of episodes. Sparks flew between his character and Leslie (Amy Pohler) and we're all rooting for Leslie to finally have a great romance. In the scene above, Henry decides to audition for a role in an indie flick. We have a pretty good feeling that he'll get the role, finally become more than the "are we having fun yet" guy. He's said that he'll return for a few episodes, but beyond that—goodbye, Henry!

Martin Starr as Roman

Odds of sticking around for Season 3: 2-1
Finally, Roman has figured out his "hard Sci Fi" masterpiece—all because he accidentially ate a 10th of an ounce of weed. I don't forsee Roman gaining instant success, he'll most likely struggle to get his script read throughout season three. Aside from some movie roles, Martin Starr's schedule looks pretty open and we're confident he'll be back.

Lizzy Caplan as Casey

Odds of sticking around for Season 3: 3-1
The scene above makes it seem as though she won't be leaving the Party Down catering crew anytime soon. This season she had her "big break" being cast in a Judd Apatow movie—only to find out in the finale that her scene had been cut. Sadly, this scene mirrors real life because Caplan has just recently been replaced in the True Love pilot by Judy Greer. We think she'll be back, for lack of bigger and better projects.

Ryan Hansen as Kyle

Odds of sticking around for Season 3: 2-1
Although Ryan Hansen has been cast on a pilot for the fall whose name escapes me (edit: it's NBC's terribly-titled Friends With Benefits), Ryan's failure to impress his audience at the reception makes it seem as though he'll be back next season at Party Down, slingin' 'derves and struggling to make it as an actor. Plus, we'd be sad if we lost the Roman/Kyle bromance storyline.

Ken Marino as Ron

Odds of sticking around for Season 3: 1-1
Ken Marino will be back. How could he not be? He finally has a love interest (above) that's not a teenage tramp and a chance at advancement in the company! However, Ron's path has never been an easy one, and odds are high he'll have to struggle to get the job and the girl.

Megan Mullally as Lydia

Odds of sticking around for Season 3: 3-1
Megan Mullally joined the cast of Party Down to replace Jane Lynch this season and we're hoping that she won't go anywhere! Like Ron, she's also been given a love interest—which makes us think she'll stick around. Of course, Megan Mullally is a busy lady between her broadway shows and "I Can't Believe It's Not Butter" commercials. Our only (and very far-off) concern is that since her hubby plays Ron Swanson on Parks and Rec, she'll want to reprise her role as head of the Pawnee library and follow Adam Scott's shoes.

Jane Lynch as Constance

Odds of sticking around for Season 3: 30-1
Constance got married in the finale—only to have her new husband drop dead as they drive away from their wedding party in the "just married" car. Turns out that her late husband signed the pre-nup as "Jack Shit" and Constance is instantly filthy rich—no more catering for her anymore! Plus, we all know she's much more appreciated on Glee. The fact that she came back for this entire episode makes us hope she'll pop back in for an episode next season.

Patrick Duffy as Patrick Duffy

Odds of sticking around for Season 3: 100-1
We know he won't be back next season—especially since he played Constance's burned ex-lover—but we can hope, right? Considering this comedic gem of a scene and his hilarious web show, we think he'd be a great addition to the show.

UPDATE: Within 12 hours of this post, the show was canceled by the evil people at Starz.