Attention Mark Bittman: Your list of 101 recipes for grilling has been floating around the New York Times's "most e-mailed" list for a while. Many suggestions seem just the ticket for a 4th of July cookout. But some are gross.

(NOTE: Before I completely destroy Mark Bittman, it's important to note that his book, How to Cook Everything is the best cookbook ever made. It has a recipe for a fried egg! The fact that I use a recipe to fry an egg should say something about my culinary skill level, and also about how qualified I am to divide the world into grillable and non-grillable food items. (I grilled chicken once; it got really burnt on the outside but stayed pink on the inside.))

Here are the things celebrity chef and best-selling author Mark Bittman thinks you should grill, but that shouldn't be grilled tomorrow, or ever, no matter how bad you want to do it:

  • Tofu steaks.
  • Strawberries and cherry tomatoes
  • Pineapple or melon wrapped in prosciutto
  • Angel food cake or poundcake
  • Grapefruit
  • Watermelon
  • A not overly ripe mango

Everything else on his list: Very grillable and delicious-sounding. Save us some leftovers.

Have a good Fourth of July!
(pic via VirtualErn's flickr)