
Some Things Must Never Be Grilled

Adrian Chen · 07/03/10 05:10PM

Attention Mark Bittman: Your list of 101 recipes for grilling has been floating around the New York Times's "most e-mailed" list for a while. Many suggestions seem just the ticket for a 4th of July cookout. But some are gross.

The NYC Marathon: Celebrities, Cheaters, Sluffers, and Winners

Foster Kamer · 11/01/09 08:45PM

Did you know an American won this year's NYC Marathon? Who gives a shit! Celebrities ran. How did Edward Norton, Alanis Morissette, Anthony "Goose" Edwards, Mario Batali's Partner-In-Crime, model Tara Costa, and others do? And what other wackiness transpired? Updated!

Wine-Swilling BoBo Blogger Rips Off Dumpster Divers' Design

Hamilton Nolan · 02/22/08 09:26AM

Mark Bittman, the rich cookbook author who writes a column and the "Bitten" blog for the New York Times, appears to have ripped off his blog's logo from Food Not Bombs, the hippie/ punk/ anarchist/ lefty activist group dedicated to feeding the homeless for free and rescuing food from dumpsters. Evidence that Bittman is not in fact a dedicated member of FNB: his latest blog entry bemoans the ordeal of his recent trip to Paris, where he was forced to eat at a "sad" Vietnamese restaurant that pre-made its crepes. Quel horreur! FNB's style would be to pull the leftover crepes out of the garbage and mix them up into some sort of vegan stew, served in a park while yelling at the police. Photographic evidence of the logos after the jump.