I said Bristol Palin was bad when I posted the teaser for her The Secret Life of the American Teenager acting debut, but the full scene is even more excruciating. Palin is like a malfunctioning robot FROM HELL. Video inside.

Palin, surely wearing a Bumpit that would make even her mother proud, lurked onto our television screens playing, well... herself, and promptly blurted out lines with a vigor about as strong and genuine as her ability to not get knocked up. "It's your buddy, Bristol," Palin [the opposite of enunciated] after knocking on her co-star's pretend teen-mom-music-program-dorm-thingy door, before responding with, "We're buddies. We're on a buddy system here, open the door," upon further prompting from the aforementioned masochistic co-star.

OK, I was going to summarize the rest of the scene, but OH GOD IT'S JUST TOO PAINFUL!

Watch it all go down (like her mother's poll numbers/her skirt upon seeing Levi Johnston/etc. *Snaps*) in the above video.

[The Secret Life of the American Teenager]