January 2007: Lindsay goes to rehab for the first time and comes out looking like the pretty little princess we first met in The Parent Trap and Freaky Friday.

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April 2007: Her post-rehab glow is starting to wear off a bit. Looks like there's trouble on the horizon.

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May 2007: Lindsay sure looks beautiful and serene considering she was just arrested for driving under the influence and for possessing cocaine, the arrest that has been the cause of her most recent legal troubles.

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May 2007: Again, looking good. Lindsay will check herself into rehab for a second time shortly after this picture was taken. Is it just me, or does she have preternaturally short fingers?

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February 2008: Someone went a little heavy on the bronzer! Maybe they weren't letting her tan in rehab?

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April, 2008: Rehab officially didn't work. Check out the eyes and the face that clearly say, "I have spent too long at a party." Also, that wristband is probably for VIP access at some after-party, not from a hospital stay.

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September 2008: Why does Lindsay's face look like it was Photoshopped onto her body? Those eyes are glassier than the Corning factory.

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October, 2008: Not only is Lindsay clearly fucked up in this picture, but whoever told her to leave the house with the curly hair was also high.

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November 2008: That is not Nicole Kidman. It's Lindsay Lohan, silly. But she looks about the same age as Kidman, doesn't she?

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February 2009: Is her whole body crooked, or did the coke do something wonky to her left eye/nostril/breast? (On a totally different note, I'm kind of into this dress.)

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February 2009: The In Touch headline for this photo: LiLo in Danger: Sells Boobs to Buy Blow.

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April, 2009: This doesn't look good. The bad fake tan, the frizzy weave, the fuzzy eyes, the blank look on her face. Is it the partying? Or maybe it was her recent breakup with Samantha Ronson? Probably both.

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June 2009: Clearly Lindsay rolled out of bed at 10pm and rushed over to the Axe Lounge in the Hamptons to score from her dealer. She didn't even bother to change out of her pajamas.

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August 2009: Two words: Crypt. Keeper.

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October 2009: Lindsay shows up to court an hour late for a hearing about her probation on the two DUI charges. She looks like either a starlet who survived a 12-day bender or a corpse fished out of a river. The judge informs her that because she missed so many alcohol education classes, she has to serve another year of probation.

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October 2009: At the Whitney Museum's annual gala, Lindsay Lohan slurs to friends, "Fuck that judge, I'm gonna drink whatever I want. No one can educate me about alcohol."

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November 2009: What's that under Lindsay's nose? Oh, and her neighbor seems to have some white powder on his pant leg. It must be, um, talcum powder or something."

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March 2010: Lindsay got so fucked up she convinced herself that it would be a good idea to dye her hair black to match this little hat she found in her front yard. In related news, a family of crows in Hollywood are now homeless.

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May 2010: Ms. Lohan's first court appearance. She looks sober, but the worse for wear. The judge orders her to undergo random drug testing and wear the infamous SCRAM bracelet that's supposed to keep her from drinking.

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June 2010: After a month of (mostly) healthy living, Lindsay looks good again. Her face has filled out a bunch, she's smiling again, and her disposition seems sunny. Her hair is back to blonde, which, for her, reminds her of those good old days when she was fresh out of rehab and the world seemed full of promise. We could get used to this look, Linds, and you better, too, since you're going to be forced into sobriety for a good while.

[Image via Getty]