55% of Likely Voters Think Obama's a Socialist, and Other Brutal Poll Numbers

Democrats are going to lose pretty badly in November. Because it's four months away, and the unemployment rate is 10 percent. It's that simple. And as a new poll shows, they're losing the message battle in some horrible ways.
A new poll issued by James Carville's political action firm, Democracy Corps, shows that 31 percent of likely voters think the country's headed on the right track, 61 percent wrong track. (Eight percent think it's in Candyland.) Whichever party you think is the cause for this — if you think one political party is, in fact, the cause for this — it will hurt the party in power regardless.
Obama approval/disapproval: 45/51
Obama shares/doesn't share your values: 46/51
Obama is/isn't on your side: 45/52
Obama is/isn't too liberal: 57/38
Obama is/isn't a big spender: 61/34
Obama is/isn't a socialist: 55/39
Obama has/doesn't have realistic solutions to the country's problems: 43/55
Mean Republican/Democratic Party ratings: 46.0/43.3
Mean Congressional Republican/Democrat ratings: 43/4/40.7
Generic Republican/Democratic Congressional support in November: 48/42
One thing about that socialism number, even though Obama is not a socialist: 29% of people think of socialism positively, and only 52% of people think of "capitalism" positively. It is not 0% versus 100%. We are a nation of many views!
Back to the Democratic horror show:
"The best way to improve our economy and create jobs is to invest more to put people to work, develop new industries, and help businesses grow in expanding, new areas."
"The best way to improve our economy and create jobs is to cut government spending and cut taxes so businesses can prosper and the private sector can start creating jobs."
Okay, since the first statement is supposedly the Democratic Message, why not put something in there about passing a medium- to long-term deficit reduction plan to soothe any creditors' medium- and long-term nerves while working to bring the economy back in the short term? Slashing government spending immediately would produce a loss of five or ten percent in GDP, the end.
But anyway, this is beside the point. There is an unemployment rate of 10% and the Democrats are in power! Every sad poll and hilarious outburst and fantasy allegation and whatnot stems from this.