Racist Skinhead Wants Nazi Tattoos Removed Before Serving Prison Sentence

Daniel Cowart, a 21-year-old white supremacist who was convicted of planning to assassinate Barack Obama, has asked a court to alter two Nazi tattoos before he is sent to federal prison. Apparently his personal convictions aren't so strong.
Cowart, a Tennessee skinhead who conspired with another man, Paul Schlesselman, to kill Obama while he was still a presidential candidate, pleaded guilty in March to eight crimes related to the plot. He now faces 12 to 18 years in prison, and does not seem ready to back up his beliefs. Or, he's afraid of getting the shit kicked out of him on a daily basis in prison because the group he belonged to disowned him after his arrest, saying he was a "probationary" member and had been thrown out of the group. No fellow Nazi backing on the inside, buddy. Cowart has a giant swastika and an iron cross tattooed on his upper body.