You know what's a funny joke to make about photos of Sen. Scott Brown with his attractive daughters? That the daughters are his "prostitutes." Give Kathy Griffin credit for this very creative joke! Scott Brown doesn't get it, though.

Apparently this happened on Kathy Griffin's Bravo show, I'm Not Very Famous or whatever:

Griffin is shown in a video identifying a photo of Brown, in which she makes a joke about the Brown daughters.

"Scott Brown, who is a senator from Massachusetts, and has two daughters who are prostitutes," she tells CNN anchors John King and Dana Bash.

Okay, it's kind of funny that she said it to two CNN people, who are terrified of jokes and opinions or anything resembling human behavior, really.

Anyway, Scott Brown is all upset now, which is understandable if your daughters have been called whores on national television.

"People can call me any name they want, but families are off limits," Brown said. "I love my daughters Ayla and Arianna very much, and any parent would be proud to have them as children. Kathy Griffin and Bravo ought to be ashamed of themselves."

Ashamed? Their stunt just worked! But yeah.