Tea Party's 'Uni-Tea' Summit To End Racism

Tea Party 365 founder David Webb kicked Tea Party Express leader Mark Williams out of the Tea Party Federation yesterday, for being racist. And plans are underway for a sexy Tea Party Race Summit, with live music and black people!
Any Tea Party rave worth its salt takes place at a site of historical American significance, and for this July 31 "Uni-Tea" rally, the organizers have gone balls-out and selected the Independence Hall area in Philadelphia. (This is where the Founding Fathers convened in that hot summer of 1787 to draft the original Tea Party Charter.)
The rally, called Uni-Tea, will feature white and black Tea Party supporters in all-day event that will feature live music, a web cast and plenty of Obama bashing.
The site for the event features 13 speakers, with at least 8 speakers being persons of color.
Ironically, President Obama used the same venue during the 2008 Presidential campaign to make his keynote speech about race in America.
The Independence Hall Tea Party is hosting the event, in the wake of the NAACP's public call for the Tea Party to denounce members who are openly racists.
So far, the event's most prominent confirmed black attendee will be Andrew Breitbart, who marched with Dr. King in Selma, maybe.