We may never know what motivated first-time commenter Perchdwelr to leave an elaborate recipe for frozen margaritas on our tips page. But thank God they did. This looks great! (Mountain Dew is the secret ingredient.)

Part I

Here is a very good Margarita blend (all measurements are +/- to taste & depending on how much you lean on the Tequila, measuring may be moot after the initial blenderfull) for a refreshing drink (or 5) as we approach the 'dog days': In a blender combine 1/3-1/2 can of LIMEADE frozen concentrate (, 1 cup of DIET (this is key) MTN DEW

Part II

HERE IS THE REST OF MY HALF-BAKED MARGARITA BLEND-SORRY FOR THE SLOPPY FINGERS. I WILL PICK IT UP FROM THE MIX— In a blender combine in the order given here: 1/3-1/2 can (depending on tart preference) of LIMEADE frozen concentrate; 1/4-1/3 fifth of TEQUILA of choice; 1/4 -1/2 cup of TRIPLE SEC (a slightly lesser amount of Cointreau can be used in place of Triple Sec); 1-1 1/2 cups of DIET (must be diet as this is the key ingredient) MOUNTAIN DEW; finally add enough crushed ice to bring the level in the blender to about 2 inches from the top. Mix till ice is smoothly integrated and then get the party started, or drink till he or she is cute, or whatever. Experiment with the proportions until you have the blend preferred BUT use diet mountain dew as the sweetener content is off the charts and that is why one can lean on the Tequila and not overpower the taste (notice I said, 'taste') of the drink. Enjoy your dog days of summer!

First person to make this and send in a picture of them drinking it along with a short review gets it posted HERE. (Be careful, though. It might be a secret plot by 4chan to poison all of us.)