Idaho Police Dog Back On Duty After Serving Suspension

Sun Valley Idaho's star cop, a 5-year-old German shepherd named Dax, was suspended last month for attacking a small schnauzer. Police Chief Cameron Daggett said that after some time off duty, "Dax will be receiving more training."
According to the Idaho Mountain Express, Police Chief Daggett said "It was an unfortunate situation," when Dax attacked Max the schnauzer, and he is undergoing more training with the "goal of preventing this from happening in the future." The town will pay Max's owner $600 for vet bills. But it's hard to blame Dax, who is trained to sniff out narcotics and criminals and perhaps is lacking in social skills. Readjusting to normal life after a day of hunting down drugs and bad guys has got to be tough.
And this was Dax's second offense: In 2007, he attacked a small border collie in a nearby town. His handler, Cpl. Mike Abaid, was reprimanded after leaving Dax alone when the latest attack occurred.
[Image via Sun Valley Police Department]