San Diego Mulls Totally Awesome Rubber Booze Raft Crackdown

City officials in San Diego, tired of drunk frat boys littering their pristine coast, in 2007 banned drinking on the beach. But there's a loophole: "If you're floating, you're good," according to police. So thousands get wasted on rafts, brah.
When the law was passed, it stated that "the sand or land area bordering the water of an ocean or bay," was off limits to drinking. So people started boozing on rubber rafts in the water just a few feet from the beach. Eventually, thousands of people would congregate for Floatopias — totally sick parties with beers, babes and bros/brahs (and floating beer pong!). "It's just fun that we're allowed to do this," one floating rager told the Wall Street Journal. "It's like you can't touch us, we're in the water."
But today the San Diego city council will vote on whether or not to make it "unlawful for any bather to consume any alcoholic beverage within one marine league of any beach." That means nearly three and a half miles from the shore. Buzz kill, brah.
Below, the end of an era? Floatopia Spring Break 2010!!!!