'Do Not Vote for My Dad'
Jan Schill, the daughter of a judicial candidate in Oklahoma, really doesn't want her father to be a judge. So much so that she took out a full-page ad telling people not to vote for him. And started a blog.

Yes, donotvoteformydad.com is live! The site, and its accompanying newspaper ad ("DO NOT VOTE FOR MY DAD... HE WOULD NOT BE A GOOD JUDGE!") are the products of a campaign started by Oklahoma judicial candidate John Mantooth's daughter, Jan Schill, and her husband Andrew Schill. [Click here to see a larger photo of the ad.] So far, the website consists of links to cases where Mantooth was sued, as well as a really gross story about worm-filled chocolates:
After a delightful lunch, I unwrapped the chocolates in anticipation of a quick dessert before returning to work. Also offering a chocolate to one of my friends, I took a quick bite. However, upon recognizing an unfamiliar and unpleasant taste I yelled in shock for my friend to stop. My deepest momentary fear was realized when a survey of the remaining chocolate revealed the remains of the numerous worms and weevils that had long ago devoured the aged chocolate.
The following day would find a slightly enraged voicemail from John Mantooth who had discovered that I was under the erroneous assumptions that the gift was for me. He wanted to clarify that the rusted golden basket, pocket knife, stale potpourri and worm-ridden chocolates were not for me, but were in fact for my wife, his second daughter, for Christmas! He did not want her to think she was forgotten! The slight humor I had originally felt quickly turned to anger and a renewed sadness for the years of such indifference my wife had endured.
Definitely adding this one to my Google Reader.
Apparently, the bad blood started in 1981, following a messy divorce between Mantooth and his ex-wife, Schill's mother. When asked why she decided to take up arms against her father, Schill said, "We just felt like it would be bad if he were to become a judge." Mantooth, for his part, alleges dirty dealings: Andrew Schill used to be law partners with one of Mantooth's opponents, Greg Dixon. Either way, it makes for just about the most awkward political ad we've seen since Alabama had its primaries.