
A Gift Guide for the Recently Divorced Dad

Adam Weinstein · 12/18/14 10:30AM

What's that you say? Half of all marriages don't end in divorce, as has long been asserted? Divorces are, in fact, declining? No, I really did not need you to tell me that. What I could use, aside from some sympathy and a decoder ring for this parenting plan, are a few new things.

How to Win Fights With Your Family This Thanksgiving: Don't

Kelly Conaboy · 11/26/14 12:45PM

Tomorrow you'll gather around the Thanksgiving table with your family—those precious few souls that walk this cold Earth draped in the same flesh and blood that coat your weary bones. Invariably, they will say something that makes you want to murder them or, at the very least, ruin dinner in the process of setting them straight.

Judge Beats Disabled Daughter on Video

Max Read · 11/01/11 10:59PM

Here's a video, recently uploaded to YouTube, showing a man whip his disabled daughter with a belt, apparently for downloading games and music. The man is a Texas court-at-law judge named William Adams. His daughter's name is Hillary. And she's the person who recorded and uploaded the video.

Meet America's Most Tragedy-Stricken Family

Lauri Apple · 05/28/11 04:40PM

In March 2011, Patrick McGinty, his wife, and their five kids endured a house fire that killed their three beloved dogs. That experience alone would cause many people to fall into a serious depression! But the McGintys are apparently a special kind of family.

Did This Reality TV Mom Make Up Her Daughters' Illness?

Max Read · 05/16/11 06:18PM

In 2009, the Cerdas, a Las Vegas family whose two daughters suffered from immune deficiency disorders, appeared on the reality show Extreme Makeover: Home Edition. Their old, moldy house was torn down, and new one, designed to protect the young girls, was built in its place. But as it turns out, the Cerda girls may not have been sick at all.

The Madoff Family Destroys Itself

Hamilton Nolan · 12/13/10 09:28AM

Family friends say that Ruth Madoff blames Bernie for their son Mark's suicide, and believes this is "the end of the family." Mark Madoff hanged himself with a dog leash in his apartment Saturday morning. No one deserves that. [NYP]

The Secret Gay Loved Ones of Homophobic Politicians

Maureen O'Connor · 09/16/10 01:40PM

Statistics being what they are, every homophobic politician must have a gay loved one hiding somewhere. Dick Cheney has Mary. Alan Keyes has Maya. And Christine O'Donnell, Tea Party Queen of Delaware, has a lesbian sister in L.A.

'Do Not Vote for My Dad'

Max Read · 07/27/10 02:45AM

Jan Schill, the daughter of a judicial candidate in Oklahoma, really doesn't want her father to be a judge. So much so that she took out a full-page ad telling people not to vote for him. And started a blog.

Men Victimized by Low Diaper Expectations

Hamilton Nolan · 06/23/10 08:20AM

Are men capable of dealing with a child's poop? Despite strong warnings from wise men that only women have the inborn baby poop-handling gene, Pampers is now trying to pawn off its dirty product on fathers. They're not doing well.

Sure, You're Broke. But at Least Grandma's Moving in With You.

Hamilton Nolan · 03/18/10 03:13PM

The Way We Live Now: As one big family. Extended families living together are back! By necessity, borne of poverty. Still, something we can embrace. Unlike sewage wage freezes and worthless garbage homes and crazy old Senate alien coots.