We come to you with a heavy heart to report that our long municipal nightmare of messy legal incidents involving women riding the subway with their tiny dogs still persists. Will New York ever be safe, for subway dogs?

First, of course, was last summer's nightmarish case of Chrissie Brodigan, arrested after her little pug dog puked all over the L train. A legal and cultural controversy ensued that even cost Chrissie her job. And now, almost exactly a year to the day after that puking pug tugged at a city's transportational heartstrings, another young woman has suffered because of bringing her dog on the subway.

Icelyn Garcia, a 25 year-old Brooklyn College student, is suing the city after she was arrested for "bringing her miniature poodle into a Bay Ridge subway station" without a carrying case. Outrageous! (Well: according to the NY Post, she was arrested for disorderly conduct after getting into a tug-of-war match with a cop who was holding her cell phone. Details). Icelyn's night in lockup was a nightmare:

"A prostitute offered me a job," she said. "There were women in there hiding drugs in their private parts. People were fighting.

"I've never been around that caliber of people in my life."

She has never ridden the subway before?

[NYP. Pic of some other rail-ridin' dog: Flickr]