If you thought Barack Obama would try and get out of pressing the fashion flesh at the fundraiser Vogue editor Anna Wintour hosted for him last night, you're wrong. He supposedly talked to just about every guest at the event.

Hotel mogul André Balazs was one of the folks who paid $30,000 a plate to hang out at Anna townhouse and schmooze with the president. He told New York mag, "It was a wonderfully intimate evening, and the president was wonderfully articulate and on-focus and, you know, he managed to spend time and sat at every single table, and it was just spectacular. He's on his game."

Balazs was reticent to give up details and, while we're not necessarily doubting what he had to say was true, would you want to tell a member of the press that Anna's party was anything less than a smashing success? Yeah, that's what we thought.

[Thanks to commenter TwoEightNine for submitting this photo yesterday.]