Comment of the Day: My Date with a Racist

In the online dating scene, there are racists and people who talk too much. What happens when you run into someone who happens to be both? Let's find out!
According to a new study, women are more likely to seek out a mate of the same race compared to men. The study also found that the more people talk, the less likely they are to connect. Here's a true tale from commenter Pssshwhatever about her experience looking for love on them there innerwebs which illustrates both of these points quite nicely:
I only online dated very briefly (hello, rebound dates! Lots of 'em!), but usually if I got a really good vibe from someone and we had a lot to talk about, we ended up meeting pretty quickly. When I thought something was off about someone, we ended up talking longer before I'd agree to meet, and the person almost always ended up confirming my suspicion before we met.
The best example of this was a guy that ended up telling me, without a drop of shame, that he believed in some "controversial science" (his words) about the genetic superiority of white and Asians over blacks and Latinos. And then he got really, really butthurt when I wouldn't go out with him and didn't want to continue talking. It took a couple of weeks to get it out of him, and he absolutely managed to talk his way out of a date.