The big finale of The Bachelorette aired last night and what happened wasn't that much of a surprise. Parents were met, tears were shed, and an engagement happened at the end. What did it take to get there? Details inside.

Both of the final contenders had a date with their lady-love, Ali. But as soon as it was time to meet Ali's family, it became clear who they preferred. Roberto used his charisma to win over the parents and went so far as to ask Ali's Dad for his blessing on their [possible] engagement. Dad is totally cool with it.

[There was a video here]

After spending time with both gentlemen and her parents, she was allowed one more date with each guy. This is how her date with Roberto went... *insert bow-chicka-wow-woowww music here*

[There was a video here]

So after Roberto rocked Ali's world, she decides that he's the guy for her. Now, here is where the "talked about moment" comes in. Instead of making Chris feel humiliated by participating in one last "Rose Ceremony" while she chooses Roberto, she decides to break it off before their date begins. Painful, yes. As painful as Frank's breakup with Ali? Maybe. I honestly think this was a kind gesture on Ali's part. Many disagree (but I think they're just "Team Chris.)

[There was a video here]

With Chris out of the way, it's up to Roberto to pop the question—or not. Spoiler alert: he does.

[There was a video here]

And then it's off to a montage of the pair throughout the season set to Elton John's "Can You Feel the Love Tonight" and off to the aftershow where the couple waxes on about boring things and states that they "can't believe they met on a reality show." Okay, sure—can't wait to see the cover to US Weekly stating that it was all a sham!