This is a campaign video for New York gubernatorial candidate Kristin Davis. Not the Sex and the City actress—the madam who provided former Governor Eliot Spitzer with call girls and was sent to Rikers for four months.

Why is she running? "To highlight the inequities in our criminal justice system," of course, and "to advocate a series of reforms in New York"—including the legalization of prostitution, marijuana (her campaign logo features a big pot leaf) and gay marriage. (Her libertarianism doesn't seem to extend to freedom of religion, as she's publicly come out against the "mosque" at Ground Zero.)

The six-minute campaign video consists of some of Davis' appearances on Sean Hannity's Fox News show and NBC 4's Nightly News in New York, plus childhood photos and a bitchin' soundtrack of Fatboy Slim and 50 Cent. There's also some footage of a campaign even that appears to feature women in bikinis and body paint.

Don't get too excited at the emergence of a hilarious, slightly crazy dark horse, though: Neither she nor her party are on the New York state ballot yet, and she's only got a week until the filing deadline.

[via Dealbreaker]