Dude Makes iPad Apps Just Like Miles Davis and Jesus Did

In your bursting Wednesday media column: Conde's hot young tech guy is the second coming, the future of the Conde Nast cafeteria considered, Dennis Publishing's burnout analyzed, News Corp's Rangers bid denied, and Time magazine's cover heavily touted.
- John Koblin profiles Conde Nast's head of digital magazine development Scott Dadich, who's billed as the savior of the company, and compared (by various bosses and coworkers) to Jesus, Pele, Miles Davis, and Frank Lloyd Wright. He will singlehandedly ensure that "magazines never die!" And all he does is turn magazines into iPad apps and shit like that. Just like Miles Davis.
- With Conde Nast moving downtown, the real question is: what will become of its grand cafeteria? Whoever moves into the space will presumably get it, so let's hope and pray that it's a Waste Management firm.
- Former Maxim editor Keith Blanchard tells Simon Dumenco that Dennis Publishing's collapse happened because "the company just burned too much wick too fast." And, in Felix Dennis's case, too much crack.
- After all that rumormongering, News Corp has decided not to bid on the Texas Rangers after all. Pity.
- That Time magazine cover last week showing an Afghani woman with her nose cut off succeeded in getting Time magazine lots of attention (though no word on whether it generated extra sales yet). We look forward to the upcoming Time cover showing body parts of Hellfire missile victimes strewn about the Afghan countryside with the tagline, "What Happens If We Stay in Afghanistan." Balance! Journalism!