Welcome to the Project Runway commenter live blog—now "supersized," thanks to the show's new expanded-episode format. Like soccer players, we do it for 90 minutes now! Why not join us, just for kicks?

Here's how it works: Just turn on the show—which airs on Lifetime at 9 pm Eastern—and post comments about it while you watch. The rest of us will be doing the same. Unlike in soccer, all participants are allowed to use their hands as much as they like.

Everyone put their hands to good use last week typing up great comments! Check out this selection of a few of my favorite comments from our last live blog and see for yourself. Here are a few other highlights from last week:

  • We came up with at least a dozen nicknames for Jason. Top prize goes to commenter tipsy hausfrau for "The Cad in the Hat."
  • When Casanova declared that his dress was "not vulgar," commenter missing_piece noted: "He also thinks his tie fits."
  • Several of us noticed that McKell's ouster marked the second time this year that a white person with dreadlocks got kicked off first on a reality competition—the earlier example being John Somerville on Top Chef. So don't put any Caucasian dreads on a keychain—unlike rabbit's feet, they aren't good luck.

Now here's a new feature, which I may or may not repeat in future live blog posts (I haven't decided yet): A chance to vote for the best "Kors-style runway put-down" (KSRPD) contributed by a commenter during last week's live blog! The nominees are:

  • Lilah (on Kristin's design): "Looks like a picnic blanket tried to strangle a hefty bag."
  • eleusiswalks (on April's look): "Tim Burton presents: Flashdance!"
  • MissPeacock (on Jason's dress): "It's like something you'd see on a woman chained in a cellar."

So post a comment-vote for your favorite KSRPD from the nominees above, and I'll tally the results and announce the winner next week. Also, try to come up a few more good ones during the upcoming episode. Speaking of which, I've seen a few previews and here's a little sampling of what to expect tonight:

  • The designers' creations will be displayed on a 50-foot billboard. The contestants probably won't like this — they usually hate doing plus-size designs!
  • A woman's voice will complain, "Casanova ripped me off!" I couldn't tell which designer said that, but whoever it was, he probably did her a favor. If Casanova liked something enough to steal it, it must have been pretty tasteless to begin with.
  • The guest judge will be Joanna "Running In Heels" Coles, Nina Garcia's boss at Marie Claire – or "Mary Claire," as Heidi likes to call it. Maybe with two editorial honchos from that magazine joining Heidi on the judging panel tonight, they can finally get her to pronounce the name right.

OK, enough with the pre-game show: Let's get this game started! Have fun, and if I don't see you tonight (I'm on vacation this week with a lousy Internet connection), I'll see you next week.

[Image via Lifetime]