Since time immemorial, the job of a high school has been to see to it that kids get their god damn diploma and never come back. Now, someone wants to keep track of how those kids do later? Why?

Education these days is a hotbed of "reform," which is what happens when liberals get control of things and find out something's not working (they change it). It's not as bad as the 1960s, when hippie schools were the norm and kids danced on the rings of Uranus during recess every day, but it's bad enough. In New York, high schools are now being judged on how their ex-students do when they get to college. Can they read English? Can they do algebra? Can they party hearty? If not, they must go into remedial classes, and this whole reform fiasco is designed to prevent that from happening. Not because remedial classes are bad, but because they might damage our illiterate children's precious self-esteem:

"This is a student who thinks he or she has been doing pretty well, but their first experience is being told you are not good enough," he said. "All of their confidence and determination is being undermined."

Hey recent high school grads, surprise, you don't know shit. Get used to it. When you join the workforce you won't know shit all over again, but at least you'll be getting paid a paltry wage for it. Many Americans are able to get through their entire lifetimes without knowing shit—but you can't do that if you don't develop the thick skin necessary to brush off the constant reminders that you don't know shit. You know who else doesn't know shit? All the fake little companies trying to reform schools. So who are they to tell the leaders of failing high schools that they don't know shit? Shit.

[NYT. Pic: Shutterstock]