This is The Situation's friend "The Unit" modeling the first release from his new clothing line, DILLIGAF. The design is classic Jersey Shore, clearly but just wait until you hear what the name of his line stands for.

DILLIGAF is an acronym for "Do I Look Like I Give a Fuck?" Of course if you wear a white wife beater with the words "The Situation" and some blinged out rosary beads in public, you do not look like you give a fuck. No, you look like an idiot. We didn't think The Situation's line would reach the slutty levels of JWOWW's Filthy Couture, but we at least expected the man with a million businesses to be a bit more creative.

Still, it doesn't look so bad on a tried and true guido like "The Unit," who gets bonus points for wearing a real tacky chain over the tacky chain that is silk screened on his shirt. But maybe we're just enthralled because we're sitting here wondering just what his nickname means?[via Racked]