Cemeteries used to be a popular place for lovers to stroll and tourists to take in the rolling hills. Now, they're mostly a storage place for Grandma. But some forward-thinking cemeteries are hosting fun events for living people.

The Wall Street Journal covers the new marketing initiatives of many cemeteries, which include:

  • Movies screened on the back of a mausoleum
  • Poetry workshops
  • Bird walks
  • Art shows
  • A Shakespeare festival
  • Weddings
  • "Memorial Day party with fireworks and sky divers"
  • A fair with "face painting, live rock and In-N-Out burgers."
  • Fishing derbies
  • Sock hop
  • Jazz concerts

Before you get all creeped out, know that in the early-to-mid 19th century, cemeteries were de facto city parks, used as much by the living as by the dead. Green-Wood cemetery in Brooklyn used to get so much traffic they had to issue tickets for admission. But today, the only people you'll see are mourners and teen goths on dates. So go check out your local cemetery. And bring the kids!

Picture of Green-Wood cemetery by Drew Vigal