Do not cross New York gay porn impresario and neocon Zionist Michael Lucas by pirating his movies. Lucas' production company just sued 53 porn pirates for as much as $150,000 each. Sexy copyright infringement, ahoy!

Ars Technica reports that Lucas hired a firm specializing in copyright infringement to identify horny people who illegally downloaded Lucas' film Kings of New York from the website ("Eight million fucking people all clawing their way to the top. Money, fame, beauty, sex…it's all about the reign of power…it's all about being a KING.") He's sued in federal court, and the culprits could face a $150,000 fine for each infringement. (Lucas himself was sued for copyright infringement for his porn parody of Fellini's La Dolce Vita. He won.)

Lucas' complaint says that "monitoring of online infringement of Plaintiff's motion picture is ongoing," and more names will be added to the lawsuit. So, if you're in the process of downloading Kings of New York stop now. You will incur the hard-right, sometimes-Islamophobic wrath of Michael Lucas, he who created the "first-ever gay porno using only Israeli models."

And everyone will know you spend your free time pirating porn.