News Corp's iPad 'Newspaper' Will Be Different, Somehow

In your finally Friday media column: News Corp attacks your iPad, a magazine editor's suicide considered, Howie Kurtz vs. Jake Tapper on a topic of import, and media softball is here, for what it's worth.
- News Corp has plans to distribute a "national digital newspaper" as a paid app on phones and iPads, overseen by an editor at the New York Post. It will offer "short, snappy stories that could be digested quickly." How that's any different from the New York Post itself, and how the hell it will be any better than just getting the New York Times are both yet to be determined.
- The Chronicle of Higher Ed has a long story on the suicide last month of Kevin Morrissey, an editor at the Virginia Quarterly Review. The story is already raising hackles (among the relatively small universe of VQR devotees) for its rehashing of workplace grievances.
- Howard Kurtz and Jake Tapper got into a mock-fight on Twitter. Take a moment to close this blog and never come back, now that that sentence has appeared here. Now, anyhow, Jake Tapper loves the electric company, and he wants the whole world to know it, is what we have learned here today, about the media in our nation's capital. Carry on.
- Keith Kelly's media column today leads with a scouting report on "The Artists & Writers 62nd Annual Charity Softball Game," which is how you know it's a Friday in the summer today.
[Photo via AP]