Environmental Nazi Sheryl Crow Has Gone Too Far

Sheryl Crow is dedicated to saving the planet. That's great! But the rider for her current tour is so Draconian in its green policies that it's driving concert promoters nuts. Does she really care that deeply about toilet paper?
Yes, it seems she does! She only wants 100% recycled toilet paper, paper towels, and napkins. She demands reusable plates for catered food, and if there are disposable dishes on hand, they must be biodegradable. She wants all regular light bulbs exchanged for green ones, all food to be organic and everything—including the water—should be local. And God forbid, don't forget her organic dark chocolate, wine, and cranberry juice to drink with her vodka! These conditions will be "strictly followed and policed," by the way, or she's not going to sing "All I Wanna Do."
Click to viewIt's wonderful that Sheryl wants her life to have as little ecological impact as possible, but then why doesn't she bicycle from gig to gig instead of hauling herself, her crew, and all her gear in two buses and two tractor-trailers? Knowing her, they probably run on bio-diesel.