Today at Gawker.TV, Ellen Degeneres dances her ass of on the So You Think You Can Dance finale, Kieran Culkin is accused of being a nintendo addict, and a passenger from Steven Slater's heroic flight speaks on the Early Show.

Ellen DeGeneres is a Hip Hop Dancin' Machine
Tonight marked the end of the seventh season of So You Think You Can Dance. They laughed! They cried! They danced! But, most importantly, Ellen danced. With Twitch. In a hip-hop number paying homage to the gone-too-soon, Alex Wong. OMFG.

JetBlue Passenger Gives Hazy Details About Steven Slater in Interview
Howard Deneroff was a passenger on the infamous Steven Slater flight, and visited The Early Show for an exclusive. Besides some specious claims that Slater hit his seat, he seems too calm about having been on the most hilarious flight ever.

Kieran Culkin Accused of Playing Too Many Video Games During Interview
An unsuspecting Kieran Culkin was simply promoting Scott Pilgrim when he was sucked into a discussion of his bad habits. Kathie Lee isn't only astounded that he plays Nintendo until 5am, but that people are actually interested in his movie.

Javier Bardem Celebrates Cultural Misunderstandings
On The Tonight Show, Bardem revealed his confusion with the term "chick flick" in regards to his new movie. Watch as the Oscar-winning actor offers his take on the common American phrase.

Futurama Debates Evolution For You
On tonight's Futurama, The Professor was challenged with a pertinent evolutionary debate. Watch as he is right about something for the first time ever.