In your murderous Monday media column: Mexico's reporters have a terrible job, the NYT Co. tests its paywall on a small stage, nobody trusts TV news, and James Kilpatrick dies.

  • How bad is it in Mexico, for journalists? "You love journalism, you love the pursuit of truth, you love to perform a civic service and inform your community. But you love your life more." Hellish, in other words.
  • The New York Times Co. is launching a trial balloon in its upcoming plan to charge for online readers. The Worcester Telegram & Gazette is now charging non-suscribers for online access. So we'll see how that goes. If it's anything like the effect the paywall has had on the Times of London, it may be time to tweak the formula.
  • Shocking news from the land of the small screen: a new poll shows that "Only 22% of respondents say they have "a great deal" or "quite a lot" of confidence in TV news," a drop of more than 50% in less than two decades. Americans, it seems, are getting wiser.
  • James Kilpatrick, a longtime conservative columnist, has died at the age of 89. The first line of his obituary: "James J. Kilpatrick, 89, a fiery advocate of racial segregation as a Richmond newspaper editor in the 1950s..." That'll get you every time.

[Pic: AP]