Following our post about a Steven Slater impersonator crashing a Playgirl honcho's party, fake Steven Slater emailed us—and impugned everyone else's stories. "I never set out to impersonate him—I just happen to look the way I do!"

At least we think this person—who calls himself "I'm-Not-Slater"—is the real fake Steven Slater. (He emailed the party host to apologize, too.) I'm-Not-Slater contradicts portions of Page Six and Playgirl VP of Marketing Daniel Nardicio's birthday party tale—and, tellingly, Nardicio admits that he lied about at least one element of his story. Here's our email correspondence, with some identifying details removed:

From: I'm-Not-Slater
To: Maureen O'Connor
Date: Tue, Aug 17, 2010 at 4:06 PM
Subject: Steven Slater - its not me!

I saw your post on me...

I agree that we do not really look that similar except for our receding hairlines and that we are both (as you pointed out) a bit on the chunky side. You are also right that people don't look carefully ...

On Friday people started asking me "is that you?"
Over lunch I was accosted by a fan of Slater's who was insistent on getting an autograph. He became abusive because he did not believe I was not Slater. Later, on my way home I was stopped twice again.

By Sunday evening I had been asked and replied "No, I am not Slater" to over a dozen people, some even asked to see my ID! I got tired of arguing (yes, you are—no, I am not ...) so I just started to say: "I cant discuss it". With this reply people seemed to drop the issue. As the questions continued, at some point I started to jokingly reply "Fly Delta", a humorous alternative to giving long winded denials every 15 min.

Contrary to your post, the bar at the party you refer to was a cash bar and I got no drinks from people who mistook me for Slater. BTW the dinner/ boat ride was a public event open to anybody that paid $25.

For the record I do think Slater has become a folk hero, but obviously I never set out to impersonate him—I just happen to look the way I do!


I emailed back with more questions: How did he end up at the party? Is he contesting Nardicio's version of events, portraying fake Steven Slater as having requested a spot on the guest list and angling for a bottle of Belvedere?

The whole night was a strange coincidence, I'm-Not-Slater responded. And yes, he is contradicting the birthday boy.

From: I'm-Not-Slater
To: Maureen O'Connor
Date: Tue, Aug 17, 2010 at 5:37 PM
Subject: Re: Steven Slater - its not me!


The "party" is a weekly boat trip on the Hudson River—almost every week there is another theme or party on it. I don't know if you are based in NYC but if you are, I recommend trying it some time, it's a lot of fun! To be honest I didn't even know who Daniel Nardicio was until I saw the pictures on your post. It was not a private event—he had his party on a boat which is open to the public ($25 including dinner), sometimes these boats use people's names for added publicity.

I am usually a private person and I am not particularly thrilled about being on Page 6 or Gawker (no offense intended), but I am taking it in stride and I do see the humor in it! I have always believed that the ability to laugh at oneself and the situations that life puts us in is important.

As per your second email, all that info is untrue—I don't even drink vodka.

Confronted with I'm-Not-Slater's accusations, Nardicio eventually admitted that the vodka bit was a lie:

From: Maureen O'Connor
To: Daniel Nardicio
Date: Wed, Aug 18, 2010 at 1:23 AM
Subject: Re: Gawker question about your birthday party

Fake Steven Slater says you're lying about him trying to score a bottle of vodka — do you want to respond?

From: Daniel Nardicio
To: Maureen O'Connor
Date: Wed, Aug 18, 2010 at 8:48 AM
Subject: Re: Gawker question about your birthday party

that it the ONE part i lied about. Belvedere sponsored the party- i figured if i was gonna look stupid and be duped, why not get the sponsor mentioned?? sorry to be a douche but i figure one little white lie in a whole shitshow of crazy wouldnt hurt!

call if you need anything i'm off to Spa Castle

Nardicio says someone else told him about the guest list bit, so it's possible that was fake, too. This story is like a house of mirrors. Here's what I've learned:

  • Nobody can tell balding blond guys apart.
  • Balding blond guys don't take advantage of the above fact as often as you'd think.
  • You can crash Daniel Nardicio's parties for $25.
  • Spa Castle is the relaxation method of choice for those who screw over Page Six.


Meet the Fake Steven Slater Who Pretends to Be a Hero for Free Beer at Parties