Rolling Stone's True Blood Cover: Gross Vampire Threesome

Rolling Stone has a cover story about HBO's vampire-sex show True Blood, and for the photo... well, they got stars Anna Paquin, Alexander Skarsgard and Stephen Moyer naked, and then... uh, they seem to have sprayed them with fake blood.
"They're Hot. They're Sexy. They're Undead," the cover text reads, matter-of-factly. I am sure they are very sexy, on the show, when they are involved in sexy situations and showing off their sexy abs, and other sexy parts (Boobs? Are there boobs?). Me, personally, I am not sure how "sexy" I find the girl from Fly Away Home covered in red corn syrup and being manhandled by Dolph Lundgren and another guy cupping her boob. Especially because I wonder: Where did the blood come from, in this hypothetical sexy situation, that is being modeled? Is it from, you know...
And then I put the magazine down so I can stop wondering about it. U2, though! Glad to see them finally getting some coverage in Rolling Stone.