Does Bravo Control Which Contestants Are Eliminated on Their Shows?

The following disclaimer has recently been spotted on Top Chef. While we can question the "reality" of almost all reality shows, it seems Bravo has found a way to cover their asses when they interfere with a show's judging process.

The above disclaimer certainly struck a chord with twitter user Dgimbz, who screen-capped it and tweeted out the following:
@drewmagary This is why top chef sucks. Hate on me hipsters and females 22-49Wed Aug 18 16:40:21 via web

Snide remarks about women and fauxhemians aside, it does make you wonder how involved the Bravo execs are with the decisions of judges on their show. Take, for example, last week's episode of Top Chef when Kenny was eliminated instead of Alex.
[There was a video here]
When Chloe won Project Runway over Daniel and Santino Rice was it more than talent that tilted such a scale? Who can forget when Holly beat out the mega-attractive Ronnie on Make Me a Supermodel? The question isn't whether or not these shows are fixed, the question is are the judges the shallow assholes, or is it the network itself pulling the strings?
Do any egregious eliminations of talented people on any Bravo reality show come to mind? Share 'em in the comments.