NY Tea Party Platform: Relocate Welfare Recipients to Prison Dorms

Filthy rich racist emailer Carl Paladino, who is running for governor of New York with Tea Party backing, says he would like to house welfare recipients in converted prison dorms, where "we'll teach them personal hygiene."
Back in April, emails from Paladino surfaced in which he forwarded bestiality videos and tons of racist jokes. He fired back, saying, in short, that he's not racist and he doesn't enjoy watching horses have sex with women. But whatever, the past is the past, right? Since then he's been laying down his platform, and taking on issues the Tea Party loves to hate, like welfare. Besides reducing the state's budget by 20 percent and cutting taxes, Paladino has a solution for people on welfare: relocate them to prison dormitories. Paladino spoke to the AP:
Instead of handing out the welfare checks, we'll teach people how to earn their check. We'll teach them personal hygiene ... the personal things they don't get when they come from dysfunctional homes."
You have to teach them basic things - taking care of themselves, physical fitness. In their dysfunctional environment, they never learned these things."
Paladino cites the positives of moving poor people into prison dorms — they have access to "basketball courts, bathroom facilities, toilet facilities." What's not to like about that? And Paladino has the type of street cred the average Tea Party Joe is looking for. He's a wealthy real estate developer and is opposed to Muslims building things in America.
On September 14, Paladino will go head to head with fellow dickhead Rep. Rick Lazio for the Republican nomination. Ooh, the possibilities!
[Image via AP]