Tonight's episode of Mad Men was about a lot of people coming to grips with things that they don't want to acknowledge. As we've seen before, the world is moving forward and it can't be stopped.

The general theme of tonight's episode was therapy and talking and, as Dr. Miller says, "what people will say to an interested stranger." Sally and Roger are pointedly in crisis, Don and Joan have been in trouble all along, and things are getting to a point where they can no longer be ignored. When Don finally gives himself over to the idea that Sally needs help (after multiple incidents this week), and has to accept not only his shortcomings as a father but also his feelings on fatherhood, he opens up to Dr. Miller in an uncharacteristic way. Of course, he's still kind of hitting on her, but it's been a while since we've seen him this honest. It probably helps that, like Anna and even Betty, she's a blond.

[There was a video here]

Betty, having had her own experiences with therapy opens up as well, to the woman who will be Sally's shrink. For Betty, as usual, it's really all about her and she can only interpret Sally's actions through the prism of her own life choices. There's a real sadness here, and we ingeniously get these scenes back to back, the better to compare the two parents' reactions to their daughter's troubles.

[There was a video here]

Roger all episode struggles with the idea of taking on Honda as a client; having fought and lost friends in World War II, it's impossible for him to let go of his anger at the Japanese. But, after a tantrum or two, he finally comes to grips with the fact that the world has changes, and that he has to let go. His moment of healing comes at the expense of elucidating Joan's growing fears about what will happen to Greg in Vietnam, and we see the exchange of one blind hatred for another.

[There was a video here]