Sedated Tiger Cub Found Inside Luggage with Stuffed Animals

Last Sunday a Thai woman was stopped at Bangkok's Suvarnabhumi International Airport when security screeners saw x-ray images of bones among a stash of stuffed tiger toys in her luggage. Inside they found a drugged two-month old tiger cub.
The woman was set to board a flight to Iran with the tiger, and it is unclear if the animal was captured in the wild or if it had been raised in captivity. Officials from Thailand's Livestock Development Department and the National Parks, Wildlife and Plant Conservation Department were called in and took the baby tiger into custody. According to TRAFFIC, a wildlife smuggling watchdog group, "If people are trying to smuggle live Tigers in their check-in luggage, they obviously think wildlife smuggling is something easy to get away with and do not fear reprimand." Obviously!
The 31-year-old woman was headed to Iran, despite that country's recently-issued fatwa against pets.