Girl Dies of Asthma Attack After Cop(?) Blocks Way to Hospital

Last Friday, 11 year-old Briana Ojeda had a serious asthma attack. Her parents put her in the car and took off for the hospital, careening the wrong way down a one-way street. An officer stopped her. Briana didn't make it.
Briana's dad Michael tells the New York Post that they were playing in the park in Brooklyn when the attack struck. With no time to wait for an ambulance, they took off in their car, headed the wrong way down a one-way street, and even struck a parked car on the way down. Carmen, Briana's mom, desperately sought help:
She then flagged down a marked car and the uniformed man got out and screamed, "What the f - - k are you doing going down the wrong way?" Michael said.
"My wife screamed at him, 'Help! My daughter needs CPR.' "
The man "smirked" and responded, "I don't do CPR," Michael said.
Carmen says the officer tried to "box her in" on the street—as did other drivers, apparently unaware of Briana's condition. A passerby gave Briana CPR, but by the time she made it to the hospital (just around the corner) she couldn't be saved. The NYPD is now saying that it's interviewed all the cops in the local precinct and none were at the scene, so the officer may have been a security guard or auxiliary officer. Scott Voloshin, the passerby who gave CPR, told ABC 7 "He was NYPD for sure, but I don't know what (specifically)."
[Pic: Shutterstock]