Whether you're in it for the interviews or to see what everyone is wearing, it's tradition to tune in early for the Red Carpet action. Why, then, does it feel like constant suffering? A breakdown of the worst offenders inside.

NBC's Red Carpet to The Primetime Emmys

Over at NBC, someone made an ill-advised decision to bring on the Access Hollywood idiots for NBC's hosting honors. After going over the Best and Worst dressed list before the show even began, the send-off to the actual awards show was a complete trainwreck. Billy Bush announces "the Emmys begin now" with the countdown clock at :25 seconds to go. Priceless:

[There was a video here]

E! Live From the Red Carpet

The first—and probably worst—offender is the E! network's introduction to their two-hours of coverage. This kick-off video features an autotuned song about the Emmys in which the autotune actual celebrity voices. John Krasinski, Ricky Gervais, Tina Fey and even Kenneth the NBC Page are autotuned in this atrocious montage.

[There was a video here]

And let's not forget when Ryan Seacrest's awkward placement of a Joan Holloway barbie doll during his interview with Christina Hendricks...

TV Guide: Emmys Red Carpet With Chris Harrison

The TV Guide channel got to omit its rolling screen of TV listings and ditched Melissa and Joan Rivers as the network's hosts, so it was pretty much a win for them. Chris Harrison, of Bachelor-hosting fame, filled their shoes pretty well. I'd even go there and say that he was pleasant to watch.

[There was a video here]

So who did you think was the worst offender? Share your thoughts in the comments—or vote anonymously below!