Gawker.TV: The Five Best Videos Ever of the Day

Today at Gawker.TV, Louis C.K. dances alongside Bristol Palin a night after insulting her mother on twitter, the new Justin Bieber CSI promo, "Hey Brother," and Breaking Bad's Aaron Paul uses his newly-won Emmy to beat up Joel McHale.

Louis C.K. Insults Sarah Palin On Twitter, Dances Alongside Bristol On The Tonight Show A Day Later
After Louis C.K.'s drunken 'twitter rampage' in which he called Sarah Palin a "C*nt-Face Jazzy Wonder Girl", we were surprised at the little amount of fanfare that erupted when Louis and Bristol Palin appeared together on the Tonight Show Friday.

The Soup Catches Emmy Fever as Aaron Paul Stops By and Gets Kind of Violent
Breaking Bad's Aaron Paul stopped by The Soup—Emmy in hand—to say hello and give Joel McHale a sandwich. Unfortunately for Joel, the sandwich wasn't exactly free and he gets "beat up" by the coveted award.

This New "Justin Bieber on CSI" Promo Is Even Creepier Than the First One
Remember that CSI promo from a few weeks ago that featured but a glimpse of Justin Bieber, who will guest star in the season premiere? Well, there's a new one out, and it's even creepier—and Bieber-filled!—than the first!

Watch a Shallow Guy Be Judged for His Looks and Get Stood Up on Dating in the Dark
Dating in the Dark's Jason is 27-year-old personal trainer/model who considers himself to be God's gift to women. His overt confidence worked with Melanie during their dates in pure darkness, but when the lights came on she sent him packing.

An Appreciation of The Arrested Development "Hey, Brother!"
We're so glad someone took the time to mash together what could possibly be the best line out to ever come out of Buster Bluth's mouth. Inside, almost every single instance of "Hey, Brother" being uttered on Arrested Development. Enjoy!