Gawker.TV: The Five Best Videos Ever of the Day

Today at Gawker.TV, Chelsea Handler rips on Kate Hudson's love life, Nikita gets revamped on The CW, a look at Roger Klotz' laugh on Doug, and Pauly D thinks he looks like Justin Bieber with his hair down.

Find Out What Pauly D's Hair Looks Like When It's Not Blown Out
Angelina and Sammi were shocked to see a random guy walking through the Shore house. Actually, it's just Pauly D coming straight out of the shower. So what does he think his true coif looks like? "Justin Bieber, yo." Upgrade?

Nikita Gets Another Sexy Revamp and Even More Troubled Femme Fatales
On CW's La Femme Nikita remake, a rouge assassin sexily seeks revenge on the agency that betrayed her, but unlike her previous incarnations she has some help from the inside. Sex, drugs, and gun fights! This show's got it all.

2011 NFL Lockout Prompts a War of Words on ESPN's Mike & Mike in the Morning
Did you catch the Saints' and Vikings' pre-game display of players-union solidarity last night? When retired NFL-ers Mike Golic and Marcellus Wiley discussed the demonstration this morning on Mike & Mike, Shit. Got. Real.

Chelsea Handler Rips on Kate Hudson's Love Life
Chelsea Handler and co. took time to laugh at Kate Hudson's prolific dating life. Watch as Chelsea and friends discuss Kate's most recent fling, her unrealistic views of relationships and what she has in common with Radio City Music Hall.

Watch a Supercut of Roger Klotz' Evil Laugh on Doug
The great minds over at Geekosystem put together 17 instances of resident bully Roger's laugh on the beloved Nickelodeon series, Doug. As you'll notice in the video, every time Roger laughs, the exact same sound byte is used.