Lady Gaga Helps Harry Reid Push 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell'

Sen. Harry Reid will include a repeal of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" in the latest Defense Authorization bill! This isn't the easy battle to choose during election season, but did Lady Gaga's reassurances on Twitter help get it in there?
Lady Gaga, who brought gay service members as her "dates" to the MTV Video Music Awards this weekend, traded "talking points" with Reid on Twitter earlier this week about the repeal, after pushing for it during an appearance on Ellen DeGeneres' show.
A spokesman for Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said Tuesday a vote to repeal the military's ban of openly gay and lesbian soldiers had been planned for next week before the singer made waves with a plea during a daytime talk show. [...]
Reid's campaign and Gaga traded talking points on Twitter after the lawmaker announced the vote. Reid told Gaga repealing the measure was the right thing to do.
Lady Gaga has six million followers on Twitter, so it's wise of Harry Reid to make her an ally. But Reid seems jealous that she's getting all of the credit for this: "Campaign spokesman Kelly Steele said Reid does not take cues from Gaga." Sure you don't, Harry Reid. We believe you. You're no Frank Lautenberg.
[Image via AP]