
Adam Weinstein · 05/20/14 01:59PM

Staff Sgt. Tracy Dice Johnson, a National Guard soldier whose wife, Staff Sgt. Donna Johnson, was killed in Afghanistan in 2012, has learned that she will receive survivor benefits from the VA, the first same-sex spouse to be afforded that privilege.

Don't Ask Don't Tell Repeal Has Had Zero Negative Effects on the Military

Cord Jefferson · 09/11/12 02:30PM

In March 2009, an open letter signed by more than 1,100 retired admirals and generals claimed that repealing America's "don't ask, don't tell" policy would "undermine recruiting and retention, impact leadershipat all levels, have adverse effects on the willingness of parents who lendtheir sons and daughters to military service, and eventually break the All-Volunteer Force." It's now been one year since the military withdrew its ban on openly gay soldiers and—surprise—a new study says the repeal has had "no overall negative impact on military readiness or its component dimensions."

GOP Debate Crowd Boos Gay Soldier

Matt Cherette · 09/22/11 10:29PM

Republican presidential debate audiences, what with their cheering executions and telling the uninsured to just go and die already, sure are great, aren't they? At tonight's Fox News/Google debate in Florida, the crowd stuck with tradition by booing a gay soldier who'd asked about the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" repeal. Come for the booing, stay for Rick Santorum equating being gay to "sex."

Jon Stewart Celebrates the End of 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell'

Matt Cherette · 09/20/11 10:43PM

Two months after its repeal was certified by President Obama, today marked the official end of the nearly 18-year-old "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy precluding gays from serving openly in the military. On tonight's Daily Show, Jon Stewart celebrated the end of DADT by shaming it for existing in the first place: "That's how ridiculous this policy was... the apology for the affront is, 'All right, sorry, you can go to Afghanistan and fight for your country!'"

Obama Certifies End of 'Don't Ask Don't Tell'

Jim Newell · 07/22/11 04:13PM

President Obama certified the Pentagon's official notice of readiness to end the ban on gays in the military today. Members of the armed forces can start shouting about their gayness from the highest Afghani hilltops on September 20.

Court Ruling Ends Don't Ask Don't Tell 'Immediately'

Max Read · 07/06/11 06:37PM

The Pentagon says it will "immediately" comply with the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals' ruling that the military must lift its ban on openly gay service members. President Obama repealed the policy last year, though the repeal wasn't immediate. [NJ]

Soldiers Could Be Asking And Telling As Soon As This Summer

Seth Abramovitch · 04/07/11 10:26PM

It seems as though Marine Corps Gen. James Amos (pictured, third from left), a onetime outspoken opponent of the Don't Ask, Don't Tell repeal, has had a change of heart. Where only recently he was testifying that letting gay soldiers serve openly would have a "strong potential for disruption at the small unit level," today he told the House Armed Services Committee that "the clear majority of [feedback] is very positive." Which means gay soldiers could serve openly as soon as this June. Ha! Suck on it, House Armed Services Committee.

Did Sarah Palin Just Tweet Her Position on 'Homos'?

Max Read · 01/03/11 10:55PM

Former vice presidential candidate and reality television star Sarah Palin has remained quiet over the recent repeal of Don't Ask Don't Tell. But she may have just made a statement... by re-Tweeting a conservative lesbian's columnist's Tweet about 'homos.'

Senate Repeals 'Don't Ask Don't Tell'

Jeff Neumann · 12/18/10 03:48PM

The Senate today repealed the US military's Don't Ask, Don't Tell policy of barring openly gay servicemembers from the armed forces by a vote of 65 to 31. President Obama only needs to sign it. [TPM]

Senate Republicans Suck

Jim Newell · 12/17/10 06:01PM

It was Sen. Bob Corker's turn to take hostages today with this latest "threat": If Democrats bring the "Don't Ask Don't Tell" repeal and DREAM Act to votes tomorrow, as expected, then Republicans may kill the START treaty. Huh?