We've already explained how the cuddly Pedobear is an Internet joke—not a 'mascot' pedophiles use to lure their prey. Reporters and police in Tulsa, Oklahoma obviously don't read Gawker. In America's Heartland, a full-blown Pedobear Panic is underway.

Are you sitting down? Watch this Fox23 report about Pedobear, the Internet meme that makes fun of pedophiles, out of Tulsa:

The report warns:

In San Diego at the Comic Con festival, police found a registered sex offender who had previously assaulted a child dressed in this suit, handing out free candy.

Oh, Jesus! Maybe we were wrong all along—maybe Pedobear is a dangerous mascot for child predators, and not a stupid Internet meme that could only concern morons who grope through life in an alternating pattern of ignorant fearmongering and cowering before the made-up threats they've beaten their own barely-functioning brains into believing are real.

Except, the guy wasn't actually a sex offender. He was a nerd whose Comic Con was ruined by stupid San Diego cops. Fox23 has issued this update on their website:

Tulsa Police originially told FOX23 News the man in Pedobear costume at San Diego's Comic Con conference who was questioned by police was a registered sex offender. Today, Tulsa Police tell FOX23 News, they made a mistake and the man in the costume is not a registered sex offender. However, police say it is disturbing that someone would dress in a costume that makes fun of pedophiles and would give out free candy to children.

Fox23 reporters, Tulsa Police Department, let it be known in no uncertain terms that you are idiots who should be fired from your jobs before you hurt someone.

We give humanity 20-30 years. Max.